Promoting the Organs of Hill & Son

Unfortunately many of the organs built by the Hills were rebuilt, 'improved' or destroyed. But sometimes they survived until today in original condition. Let's have a look!


Warwick Bridge,
Our Lady & St Wilfrid

Manual, GG-f3:

Open Diapason 8, Dulciana 8, Stop Diapason Baß 8, Clarabella Treble 8, Principal 4, Fifteenth 2

Accessories: Lever Swell pedal, 3 composition pedals, pull down pedals GG-d

tracker action

photo copyright: Hannes Ludwig @ Hill's Angels


Ingrave, St. Nicholas

Pedal, C-d1: Bourdon 16 (lowest 13 notes)

Great, C-f3: Open Diapason 8, Stopped Diapason Bass 8, Stopped Diapason Treble 8, Dulciana 8, Octave 4, Wald Flute 4, Super Octave 2

Swell, c-f3: Open Diapason 8, Stopped Diapason 8, Hautboy 8

Couplers: Swell to Great, Bourdon to Manual, Pedal to Manual

Accessories: Lever Swell pedal, 2 composition pedals

tracker action

photo copyright: Hannes Ludwig @ Hill's Angels


Brinkburn Priory

Pedal, C-e1: Open Diapason 16, Bourdon 16

Great, C-g3: Bourdon 16, Open Diapason 8,                         Stopped Diapason 8, Dulciana 8, Principal 4, Wald Flute 4, Twelfth 3, Fifteenth 2, Mixture II

Swell, C-g3: Open Diapason 8, Stopped Diapason 8,       Principal 4, Trumpet 8, Oboe 8

Couplers: Swell to Pedal, Swell to Great, Great to Pedal

Accessories: Lever Swell pedal, 3 composition pedals to Great

tracker action


photo copyright: Paul Ritchie @ Hill's Angels


London, Streatham Hill Christ Church

Great Organ: Gross Gedackt 16, Open Diapason 8, Lieblich Diapason 8, Hohl Flute 8, Gamba 8, Principal 4, Twelfth 3
Fifteenth 2, Mixture IV, Posaune 8, Clarion 4

Choir Organ: Dulciana 8, Viola da Gamba 8, Lieblich Gedackt 8, Harmonic Flute 4, Harmonic Gemshorn 2,
Clarionet 8, Orchestral Oboe 8

Swell Organ: Bourdon 16, Open Diapason 8, Rohr Flute 8, Salicional 8, Voix Celeste 8, Principal 4, Fifteenth 2,  Mixture III, Contra Fagotto 16, Cornopean 8, Oboe 8, Vox Humana 8, Clarion 4, Tremulant

Pedal Organ: Open Diapason 16, Bourdon 16, Quint 10 2/3,
Violoncello 8, Trombone 16

photo copyright: Hannes Ludwig @ Hill's Angels


Dundee, Lochee Parish Church

Great Organ,C-g3 : Open Diapason 8, Open Diapason 8,       Hohl Flute 8, Principal 4, Harmonic Flute 4, Twelfth 3,    Fifteenth 2, Posaune 8

Choir Organ, C-g3: Dulciana 8', Viola da Gamba 8', Gedeckt 8', Suabe Flute 4', Clarionet 8'

Swell Organ, C-g3: Bourdon 16', Open Diapason 8',          Stopped Diapason 8', Salicional 8', Vox Célestes 8', Principal 4', Mixture 3 ranks, Horn 8', Oboe 8', Tremulant

Pedal Organ, C-f1: Open Diapason 16', Bourdon 16',   Violoncello 8'

Couplers: Swell to Great, Swell to Choir, Great to Pedal,       Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal

Accessories: ballanced Swell pedal, 6 composition pedals 

tracker action with Barker Machine (Great)

photo copyright: Hannes Ludwig @ Hill's Angels

©Hill's Angels. All rights reserved.

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